Tablets and Kids: Creative Opportunities with Apps Empowering Young Children

Last updated on 8 June 2022

My buddy and colleague Wouter Sluis-Thiescheffer and I recently got the chance to present at this year’s EuroIA Conference and at The Web and Beyond. We had a great time discussing cool UX (User Experience) and IA (Information Architecture) stuff with great minds in the field.

Dr. Wouter Sluis-Thiescheffer
Dr. Wouter Sluis-Thiescheffer

Tablets and Kids Presentation

Thanks to tablets, children are becoming important consumers of digital content. The slides are below, but let me quickly summarize our main points:

  1. Tablets have made children important consumers of digital content.
  2. The digital content offering doesn’t yet meet children’s needs as it could.
  3. So, we need to learn more about kids & their relevant human factors…
  4. …and listen to them to help them guide our design processes.

Click here for the slides (on SlideShare)

Children's interests develop over time - click here for our slides