Empathy and Astrophysics: We Are One

Last updated on 19 September 2023

The atoms that make up all life on Earth, everything we see and touch around us, contain the same basic building blocks. We’re made of stardust. We are one.

This is astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson‘s “most astounding fact about the universe.” Life has woven us from the same fabric as all the beings, planets, stars, and galaxies in the entire universe.

We Are One

In that same interview, Dr. Tyson goes on to mention a kind of cosmic connectivity that brings us all together; not only with each other but with everything everywhere.

This idea is also present in #mindfulness practice, especially in loving-kindness meditation, where we visualize extending acceptance and #compassion to all life in the universe.

From the stray dog in your local animal shelter to the person you fell in love, the universe has connected you and me to everything everywhere.

So Let’s Connect

Max Schlickenmeyer created this beautiful video (on Vimeo) to Dr Tyson’s explanation of that astounding fact. While you take it in, I invite you to reflect on everyone you influence and everyone who influences you.

Does the idea that we’re all just threads in the same tapestry change your perception of them? We are one! How does it feel?

The Most Astounding Fact - Max Schlickenmeyer

Thanks a million, Hester Bruikman, for sending me this video!